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講 師 名 May
年 齢 / 性 別 58才 / 女性
出 席 率 [Attendance Rate] 過去1ヶ月の出席率   98%   ★★★★★   (239/244)
Location / 日本語スキル Home / 話せない
趣 味・特 技 Reading, cooking, listening to music
専 門 レ ッ ス ン 範 囲 英検・Eiken・Side by Side・子供向け・初級向け・中級向け・上級向け
自 己 紹 介 Hello Students,

It's been a while that we haven't seen each other. Now that I'm back, we're going to have a fun, exciting and full of learning in our classes. We will be learning a lot of things - anything and everything under the sun.

Come and join me again in learning English. I can guarantee you that there will be no time wasted. We will learn holistically.

Looking forward to seeing you again soon.
V O I C E コ メ ン ト


Side by Side Lesson
Kids and Adults (all levels)

Side by Side is the best-selling English learning series that offers a balanced range of speaking, reading, writing, listening, vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation activities that help students develop well-rounded la...


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< 今週 翌週 >









■受講生のコメント         最新の10件を掲載しています                                                      最新の30件を表示する

評価者 コメント
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, May.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the article "'Night Owls' May Have Better Brains" that you kindly selected on July 20 2024.
When I saw the headline, I was a bit surprised, because it's well known that "early birds" probably have better brains than "night owls" in general.
I think the survey result can be reliable from a numerical point of view, but I don't think that "night owls" might have better brains for the same reason in this article. The survey should be conducted among a wide range of age groups, e.g. 20-80 years old.
However, I prioritize how long we should sleep each day. For instance, I try to have at least 6 hours of sleep a day.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, May.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the article "World's Language Learners Show Interest in Japanese" that you kindly selected on July 13 2024.
Increasing the number of Japanese learners is quite beneficial to Japan, because it can boost the Japanese economy.
I beleive that one of the motivations for learning Japanese language is Japanese culture, such as Video games, Anime, Comics, etc, although some experts say they are not essential Japanese products.
So, I suggest that the Japanese government promote the Japanese cultural industries more.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, May.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the article "Samsung Electronics Workers on 'Indefinite' Strike" that you kindly selected on July 12 2024.
As I mentioned in the lesson, only few Japanese companies have unions.
In addition, the power of the unions is diminishing, because the parent companies are struggling to make profits under severe economic conditinos.
As if often the case with traditional Japanese companies, executives of the companies are sent on loan to thieir labor unions. That does not make sense, because the union is prone to obey the parenet company.
As a result, the labor union dues are automatically dedected from the employee's salaries. It's so ridiculous.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, May.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the article "Japan to Boost Pension Enrollment for Foreign Workers" that you kindly selected on June 29 2024.
As I mentioned in the lesson, the current Japanese pension system has the following unfair points as below.
- Elderly citizens can get more money as pension that they paid in the past, but younger generation can get less money that they pay.
If the Japanese government introduces the revised pension system for foreign workers, I expect that the longevity difference between Japanese and foreigners may cause inequality for the following reason.
- Typical Japanese citizens are cautious of their health status than foreign people, the total amount of pension would be different.edifferent. In general, The longer poeple are alive, the more pension they can receive.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, May.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the article "45% of Japanese Expats Feel Lonely" that you kindly selected on June 20 2024.
I agree with the idea of 45% of Japanese Expats Feel Lonely.
I suppose whether Japanese feel lonecly depends on each country.
Japanese expats in Asian countries are less likely to feel lonely. Meanwhile, Japanese expats in European countries are more likely to feel lonly, because there is less community in EU counties.
However, I suppose the number of Japanese expats feeling Lonely is decreasing, because they can easily use social media and direct phone calls with live video.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, May.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the article "Indonesia Is Most Generous Country in Global Study" that you kindly selected on June 17 2024.
The study found that religious people are more generous than people who aren't religious, and immigrants tend to be more generous than people who live in their home country. That really makes sense.
Most Japanese are secular and there are few immigrants in Japan. For this reason, Japan is ranked as the 4th least generous country in the world.
However, whether Japanese are generous to strangers or not depends on the area. I suppose this suevey was done in Tokyo city, but western part of Japan are more generaous than people in Japan.
In general, Tokyo residents are likely to be overwhelmed with work and exhausted, so they cannot afford to help strangers.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, May.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the article "Does Your Decaf Include Paint Remover? It Might" that you kindly selected on June 8 2024.
Every morning I have a few cups of coffee. I believe it is not decaffeinated, because the label says that this coffee contains caffeine.
However, it is just an instant coffee, not made from pure coffee beans, so it might have chemicals in it.
I suppose whether a certain food is harmful or not depends on the amount of chemicals, such as preservatives, additives, etc.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, May.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the article 'Internet Use May Be Good for Well-Being, Study Finds' that you kindly selected on June 1 2024.
As I said in the lesson, the Internet has advantages and disadvantages. I suppose the advantages outweigh the disadvantages nowadays.
However, people who want to use the Internet, school students should learn computer literacy so as not to be involved in crime.
In fact, elementary school students in Tokyo city are being given laptops to learn computer and Internet skills.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.
yoko さんのコメント
She can teach very well.
I had a fun talking to her.
She explained unfamilar words.
Gaku さんのコメント
Thank you so much, May.
It was an enjoyable, tactful class, as always, from the material based on the article 'Beyond Sweet and Salty: The Magic of Umami' that you kindly selected on May 25 2024.
Nowadays, MSG (monosodium glutamate) is known as one of condiments, such as sugar, salt, etc. and main element of umami.
However, some elderly Japanese are cautious about using the MSG as a seasoning because they believe that it is derived from an artificial ingredient or a chemical substance.
I sometimes use the MSG seasoning, but I mainly use salt and fish extract to prepare dishes.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to taking your next class.


Del  Vince  Pie 
オンライン英会話スクール iTalk English!

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